Prof. Dr. Shaharyar is a well known figure in the oncology community of Pakistan. He is known for his dedication and commitment to cancer patients and cancer research. He is a popular teacher of Physiology, Oncology and Radiobiology and has a teaching experience of 25 years. As a physician he has treated more than 100,000 cancer patients in the last 25 years of his career.
He has been the President of the Pakistan Society of Clinical Oncology (2010 to 2014), a quarter century old constitutional and representative body of oncologists. He is also the Founder and the President of the Cancer Research Group Foundation (1999 to date), the only organization that conducts multicentric cancer research in Pakistan. He is a Councilor from Pakistan for SAARC Association of Oncologists.
He is the Dean of the Faculty of Clinical Oncology, College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan (2011 to date). He is the Convener of post graduate programs of different universities including the Diploma in Medical Radiology Therapeutics (DMRT) of the University of Health Sciences, Diploma in Medical Radiology Therapeutics (DMRT) of The University of the Punjab. He is also an Examiner for the fellowship examination of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Pakistan in the subject of Clinical Oncology and Examiner for MD and DMRT programs of different universities.
He is a Member of the Advisory Panel for the Pakistan Medical Research Council (PMRC) for cancer registration in Pakistan (June 2006 to date). He has also worked as Provincial Coordinator of WHO Cancer Control Program Pakistan from 2002-2004. He is also serving on the Advisory Board of the South Asian Journal of Cancer. He is a Reviewer for various medical journals including the Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences, Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Pakistan and ISRA Medical Journal, Pakistan.
He has served as Professor of Oncology at King Edward Medical University from September 2000 to February 2014 and has worked as the Chairman of the Rules and Regulation Committee (2008-2010) and as Director of Research King Edward Medical University (2010- 2012).
He has been honored with various awards and gold medals for his services and cancer research. He has recently been awarded Lifetime Achievement Award by Pakistan Society of Clinical Oncology at Nishter Medical College Multan. He received the Distinguished Services Award for Cancer Research conferred by the Pakistan Society of Clinical Oncology, and the Shams uz Zaman Memorial Gold Medal in 2008. He was awarded the Fellowship of International Medical Sciences Academy, during the 18th Convocation of IMSACON in 2006.
He received the Distinguished Services Award for Cancer Research and Dedication towards cancer patients by the Cancer Society Multan in 2003. He was awarded the Novartis Gold Medal for Excellence in Oncology, in 2003 for best research contribution in the field of cancer treatment in the year 2002-2003. He received the Award of Appreciation in 2002, in special recognition of valuable services rendered to Health Sciences in Pakistan by the Society of Obstetrics and Gynecologists in 2003. He was awarded the Shams uz Zaman Memorial Gold Medal by the Pakistan Society of Clinical Oncology in 2001.
He is also a Co- recipient of Kobayashi Foundation Award 2010 by the Kobayashi Foundation for Cancer Research, GIFU / Japan, in recognition of the newly developed treatment option for Hodgkin’s Disease as a remarkable contribution to cancer chemotherapy.
Professor Dr. Shaharyar has contributed in a record eighty International and National Research Trials in the last one decade. As the principal Investigator in many cancer research trials he has contributed in the Development of New Anticancer Drugs by conducting pre- registration trials for the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of USA in Pakistan.
This has eventually contributed to the approval of many new anti-cancer drugs by the FDA and the European Union, including amongst others, Pemetrexed, Docetaxel and Casopitant. He has collaborated with various research organizations and international collaborative research groups, including Breast International Group (BIG), North Central Cancer Treatment Group (NCCTG) , European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC), United Kingdom Coordinating Committee on Cancer Research (UKCCCR), Asian Oceanian Clinical Oncology Study Group (AOCOSG), SUGEN and many pharmaceutical concerns including Pharmacia, Medical Affairs Oncology Department Rhone Poulenc Rorer (RPR)-France, Glaxo Smith Kline (GSK) and Eli Lilly USA.
His scientific work has been presented in both National and International Forums, in proceedings of American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), proceedings of European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO), San Antonio Breast Cancer Conference – USA and proceedings of International Science Academy. He has contributed in 107 scientific publications including 45 original research articles and 62 scientific abstracts.
Professor Dr. Shaharyar has developed new treatment options for breast cancer patients. Now a combination of chemotherapy and radiation can be given safely in early breast cancer and radiation can be effectively combined with radiosensitizing drugs for the treatment of recurrent breast cancer. He has introduced the combined use of hormone therapy, chemotherapy and bisphoshonates in elderly patients with breast cancer. For patients with ovarian cancer a new cost effective treatment option has been developed.
He has also been involved in developing innovative, unique and customized dosage schemes, protocols and treatment options for Pakistani patients with lung cancer, brain tumors and head & neck cancers. Most of this work has been published in scientific journals and has now been compiled as a book titled “Cancer Research and Publications – 1998-2012”, published by N.A. Printers, Lahore, ISBN:978-969-9650-00-0.
He has served in various Advisory Boards and International Research Organizations including Zometa Advisory Board of Novartis, Alimta Advisory Board of Eli Lilly Ltd and Gastrointestinal Advisory Board of Pfizer Ltd. He has worked in the Asian Clinical Oncology Group and is a member of the European Association on Cancer Research (EACR) and the International Association of Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC). He has participated in more than 100 International and National Conferences, Symposia and research meetings, where he has presented his research work, delivered state of the art lectures and contributed research proposals. His academic and research activities have taken him to many different parts of the world, such as The United States of America, Italy, Thailand, United Kingdom, Malaysia, France, Turkey, Switzerland, Egypt, China, Germany, Austria, Argentina, United Arab Emirates, Hong Kong and Singapore amongst others. His exposure to current trends in worldwide cancer research is extraordinary.
He is a much respected teacher, having taught both the undergraduates and post graduates for the last 33 years. He is the most sought-after speaker in oncology in Pakistan and has delivered more than 300 special lectures, state of the art lectures, as well as invited
and memorial lectures on various forums. His subjects of interest are endocrine disorders, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, lung cancer, evolution, impact of science on society, medical ethics and good clinical practices.
From the forum of the Pakistan Society of Clinical Oncology he has been pivotal in developing a Web Based National Cancer Data Base for Pakistan in which different cancer treatment centers contribute their cancer patient data online, in accordance with the ICD-O coding system. This is the first online National Cancer Database in Pakistan. Thirteen different centers have started collaboration to pool their data. This data will be soon open to the public on the website of the Pakistan Society of Clinical Oncology.
He has helped many institutions in the development of Hospital Based Tumor Registries for the record keeping of cancer patients and establishment of Ethical Review Boards for the evaluation of biomedical research. He regularly conducts Medical Writing Workshops for synopses, dissertations, theses and Protocol Writing.