We have planned this hospital, cancer care Hospital and Research Center (CCH&RC), to meet the needs of the community. Today, thousands of patients are being refused treatment at different hospitals of the city. By the grace of Almighty Allah, Cancer Care Hospital is in the final stage of construction. This hospital will become functional in 1st quarter of 2019. In the first phase, the Radiation Block comprising of Four State of Art Radiation Machines and 120 bedded “Institute of Palliative Care” will become operational. On commissioning of this phase, this hospital will provide free of cost treatment to over 15000 cancer patients every year.
This gigantic task has been accomplished by your generous donations, support and prayers. InshAllah your generous contribution in this Sadqa-e-Jaria will be rewarded by Allah in both the worlds.
I look forward for your continuous support both materially & morally not only in the construction phase but also during the running of this hospital. I assure you that in the years to come this hospital will make us all proud as this will be a beacon of hope for cancer patients.
May Allah guide us all in the accomplishment of our aim of alleviating the sufferings of cancer patients.
Long Live Pakistan!

To provide free of cost quality and comprehensive cancer treatment to all patients meeting their physical, social, economic and spiritual needs and to teach, train and disseminate the latest development in the field of oncology ensuring aggressive research and development of indigenous cancer drugs.
Dear Reader! We have accepted this challenge on your behalf and in the best interest of public. Be with Us!
Best Regards,
Prof. Dr. Shaharyar
Mission of Cancer Care Hospital & Research Centre